The foundation of our brand is nature.
Today we have material about the philosophy of ARBA WINE. Not everyone knows how unique the conditions are in which ARBA WINE wines are created and that the grapes growing in the Assa valley are nothing less than the pearl of all Kazakhstan.
🌍 The foundation of our brand is first of all nature. The Turgen River with the Assa valley is one of the most beautiful plateaus in the world, at an altitude of 2000-2500 meters above sea level. Here a huge stream of mountain air is formed and descends which gives a cool night to our vineyards. ⠀
🏔️ Further, the plateau soars up into the Tien Shan Mountains and after 15 kilometers you are surrounded by majestic mountains 5000 km high.
🌄 The peculiarity of our mountains is that they are almost always clear - therefore we have a large amount of solar flow which provides a special photosynthesis. Due to this energy the molecular compounds in the root, in the trunk, in the leaves and in the grape are very strong.