The influence of soil on the taste of grapes.

Influence of soil on the taste of grapes.

Influence of soil on the taste of grapes.

Vineyards live for about seventy-five years. The quality of the crop is influenced by many factors starting with the soil.

Wet soils delay the harvest, while dry soils contribute to its rapid maturation.

The composition of the soil can also greatly affect the taste of wine. Certain stone breeds give the final product a special flavor. Even within the same vineyard soils can vary allowing for the production of distinct wines.

In terms of structure our soil is close to the Bordeaux zone. Our land has been the bed of the Turgen River for centuries which has deposited noble mountain soil with clay, granite and sand which is rich in a whole range of minerals. The origins of the Turgen River are collected in the amazing in origin and beauty of the huge alpine valley of Assy.